Friday, February 19, 2010

Oh what a wonderful God we serve!!!

As you can tell i failed at keeping my blog updated..what else is new. But to look back over the posts i have made is so uplifting to see where God has taken me and pulled me through. Most of those blogs I didn't even remember writing. Where am I now?

I am still in Athens in my 3rd year at the University of Georgia. I am still a biology major and figuring out how many hours I have to take this summer to finish next year. I am living in Watkinsville in a house that I actually wrote about in a previous blog. I have the best roommates in the world!!!!! I still miss Lyman but was very priviledged to get to spend a month there during Christmas!! I am working at Jersey Mike's and Babysitting a little on the side. I am currently enrolled in 17 hours at school and am just taking one day at a time. Most of my days are spent all day in class and then i come home and spend hours upon hours on homework and lab reports. I am up to my eyeballs in reading. God has provided me with all that I need and He never fails!! Some days I just want to quit but by His grace I pull through and always come out shining! I am training for the Disney Marathon next January. I need to be more disciplined about my running but I'm doing good working out a few days a week. I cannot wait to run this!!! If I were gonna type something that is one of my goals for this week it would be....Do everything with JOY and HAPPINESS because there are so many people out there less fortunate than us. I am blessed with a family that supports me, an opportunity to go to school to study, a car to drive, a bed to sleep in, and friends that care about me, and a job that provides for me. Sometimes I take these for granted and its sad. I am trying to look at everything as the glass half full!!!

Quote of the day: Do the things you need to do when you need to do them and Someday you can do the things you want to do when you want to do them.